Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Newer Poems:

Broken Heart by Dominique Hart

I love you,
And for so long I denied it,
I finally got the courage to tell you,
Over a website,
And no reply...

Here I am,
Looking stupid,
Looking like a damn fool,
And you probably don't know how much it hurts.

Here I am,
Fighting back tears,
Hugging my teddy bear,
Listening to Avril Lavigne songs,
And staring at your picture.

And no matter what,
No matter how much I cry,
No matter how much pain you cause me,
I will always love you.
And it makes me so angry.

I want to hate you,
I want to never think about you ever again but...
Hey, even if you moved far away,
Since you left me here without you,
Its still all going to be OK,

Past, Present, No Future by Dominique Hart

When I first saw you I laughed,
You looked so awkward,
And your ears over sized,
Come to think about it, You looked like a monkey.
But as you talked,
Your velvet voice caressing by emotions.
Your velvet voice caressing my emotions,
Pulling me back to the surface..
My vision became clearer,
I could see your dark chocolate eyes,
I could feel your warm skin as I hugged you,
And I could taste your scent on my lips as they brushed against your sweater when you held me close.

Intoxicated, I drifted to a bliss,
A clouded feeling of softness and happiness.
Then, things became blurry again.
I could sense you drifting away,
Taking your bliss with you.
I tried to get close to you again but you kept your distance.

I wondered and thought, then thought some more.
What did I do?
What did I say?
I couldn't recall.
And now I'm back here again, and you're gone.
Leaving me to be, forever be, here.
Wondering, and thinking about about what went wrong.

I Try by Dominique Hart

I try to give everyone excuses for you at school,
I'll say "he's just messing around,"
If you get to know him better I'm sure....
Yeah right.

I say "He's so cute"
I say "He's so sweet"
But is it really worth it?
I mean, you never said that about me, I don't think.
You don't understand me and you never will, and its really F****D up too,
I'm madly, and crazily in LOVE with you but you don't see that!
You wouldn't see that if I smacked you on the head with it,

But damn, why do you have to be so cute, and funny, and to hug?
It really pisses me off how you're everything I want and somehow...somehow less!
I don't know why I can't let you go, It makes me wana cry!
I need to let go!
have to let go!
I wana let go! But how?
Someone show me the way! I'm dying!!!!
I wana scream, and at night, I find myself wondering..."Why? WHy? Why?"
"Why do I love him like this?" It isn't right how you treat me like nothing and I make you sound like a God.
All I want, is for you you to love me the way I love you.
I want you to treat me like a person.
And I want you to be sweet and kind to everyone else around you.

Is that to much to ask? Is it really? Please answer me. ANSWER ME DAMNIT! F***! I-I-I can't even finish this sh**! *crys*

Why? Why me? I'm making myself sick thinking about it! So I will stop but think about it, and please...have something to say...
I Love you MONKEE and always will....

Am I OK? Not Really... By Dominique Hart

Someone asked me if I was okay.
I said yeah I'm fine...but I lied. I am NOT okay.
I'm sad, I'm hurting inside, I'm bleeding inside and I can't do anything to stop it.
People say they love it real, its not. I think it's lust. I think its the physical part of the relationship they want.
But they don't know what it does to me emotionly. To think they care and then they don't. It hurts me more then getting stabbed or shot. It hurts worse then a paper cut, more then getting glass shards thrown at you. This pain, this emotional, this relationship pain that happens between people who love each other. Even if the love is one sided, this is what makes living so this pain we all endure for the one we think loves us...And we are all fools if we think they love us. We are fools if we think a perfect love or a perfect relationship exists. And if all this is so...then I guess I am a fool..

The Angel of Death's Lair by Dominique Hart

There is a place within the darkness. A place where you can wrap the darkness around you. A place where the darkness consoles you.
There is a world. Where screams echo off of the empty decaying buildings. A place where black cats sleep. A place where you can hide.
There is a person. A person with a syth and glowing red eyes. A person who drinks the warm blue blood before it runs cold and red.
There is a sound. A sound that is ear curdling. A scream, a yell, the sound of someone dying every second, every minute, every hour.
And there is a lake. A lake that is on fire. A lake where bones trail the bottom and float on top. A lake of death.

This place has no name, and the person has no face, and the sounds are all forgotten and the lake is to deep. Anyone alien to step into the darkness may not come out. Only the chosen and those, of the Angel's of Death.

The darkness consoles me and wipes away my bloody tears. It embraces me and listens to every tale I have to tell. The world shrieks with delight as soon as I enter. And the lake parts its ways for me lye under it for awhile. The bones cover me and be my shelter. Then, everything is still and quiet. The world has settled into a comfortable position and the darkness shrouding me in comfort, the bones my pillows and listener and the lake one of my friends. They all quiet down to listen to another tale of the corrupt world of the living, of the undead. And of me. Of my most horrid tales and all my emotions.

And when its time to go, they bid me a due. The darkness caressing my face, the lake, taking my tears and all my fears, and the screams taking every sob from my chest.

And I leave until I have a new tale of sorrow and discomfort...and they will lye in wait for that person...that one, special, Angel of death to return.

Your Love is Like whoa... O.O

Your love is like a cold shower on a hot summers day.
Your love is like sleep after a 72 hour day with no sleep.
Your love is like nothing I've ever experienced before.
Your love is like..whoa. O.O

Your love is soft.
Your love is sweet.
Your love is warm.
Your love is very deep.
Your love is like..whoa. O.O

You are sweet.
You are soft.
You are like whoa. O.O
That's all.

I've never felt so content, so happy with someone in my life like this. And all I can say is...You make me say Whoa O.O

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